Jonny & Becky | Cambridge Mill Wedding Photography |

What more can we say for this year?  Our last wedding of the year was Jonny & Becky’s which took place at the beautiful Cambridge Mill in Cambridge, Ontario.  A perfect venue for their Christmas themed wedding. You may remember Jonny & Becky from their unique engagement shoot from this summer and we are so excited to have captured their beautiful wedding.

A Christmas theme was what they had in mind when they were making their plans and even had some strategically placed mistletoe around the venue.  I know Sherry was a victim of a mistletoe attack (from me of course :D) but there were so many unique little details that Becky had prepared, from gingerbread houses, to Christmas candy to the decor, to just about every other little thing.  A great job and a superb finished product was evident.

Becky had a little bit of vintage glamour in her attire, while Jonny had the essence of James Bond going on.  A stunning couple and so much fun to be around.

Congratulations you guys, and may you be blessed in your marriage.

I love this shot.  One of my favorites.  The look dad gives here daughter is priceless.


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