Jonathan & Krissy Waldie – Country Vista (Part 1)

Jon Waldie & Krissy Gordon’s wedding was awesome.  It is always exciting when we get to the wedding and are told “oh, I’m not sure if you knew or not, but Krissy is going to be riding up to the ceremony location on a horse” SWEET!  There were so many little personal touches that made their wedding unique.

Their wedding was held just outside Collingwood Ontario in Ravanna.  Krissy had found a beautiful location on the property of a B&B which overlooks the valley, and to make things even better we had perfect weather.

Congratulations Jon & Krissy, your day was awesome.

Jon’s groomsmen were hilarious, up for anything, and kept us on our toes all day.

Throwing Jon in the pool right before his wedding…yeah good idea guys..well they didn’t actually throw him in the pool..but it made for a good photo.

Trampoline = Fun…and isn’t your wedding day suppose to be a super fun day?

Krissy a beautiful bride..and photo of her as a they grow up fast, don’t they.

Krissy’s dad seeing his only daughter for the last time as a single woman

…and yes there were tears.

Krissy and her Dad rode their horses up to the ceremony location, It was so beautiful.

Gorgeous location, I loved the view, and the ceremony was so beautiful

I love this photo.

Krissy’s brother Scott sang a song during the ceremony.

I love the way the wind wrapped the veil around them for their first kiss as a married couple..very intimate

MARRIED….Congratulations Jon & Krissy

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