Cobble Beach weddings in the summertime are hard to beat. The cool breeze coming off the water, the beautiful scenery and the serenity of being in one of the most wonderful places in Ontario.
Of course when you do all that planning, organizing and arranging to have your wedding ready to go it’s certainly a nice treat when the sun comes out to play. On this day it certainly came out to play. I also absolutely love her details. The flowers are gorgeous! I love how the florist used different shades of white throughout the bouquet accented with the greens.
When it comes time to get to photo work during the formals we have so many options at Cobble Beach. There is a large pier, lighthouse, beachfront, forests, trails, reflections, colours, landscaping and the architecture of the buildings themselves. We are never short of options here and it’s one of the reasons we love it so much as photographers. So enjoy, and when the time comes, consider this place for your wedding.
A lovely selection of details done by Sherry.
Sometimes when you’re in a room the lighting isn’t just quite right, so we bring what we need to ensure that the portraits look amazing no matter what weather is brought on the day.
This such a cool venue, with so many options for pictures throughout the day and the evening. This one has a blue gelled flash behind the couple to light up the area and give them a silhouette against the coloured backdrop.