Jesse & Meesha | Cabo San Lucas Engagement Photos | Los Cabos Mexico

20140331-0001What better way to enjoy a vacation to sunny Los Cabos Mexico than by capturing some beautiful memories while doing a destination engagement photo shoot while you’re there :).  Meesha & Jesse gave us a call and we started talking about some ideas for their shoot.  We wanted to do a bit more of a fashion feel to their photos while capturing some of the beauty that San Jose Del Cabo has to offer.  Of course we had to feature the beach, the little town that is San Jose and we ventured off after a little break and clothing change into one of the arroyos nearby for some evening photos.

It was such a pleasure working with these two, and I really love what came out of this shoot.

If you are looking to take advantage of your next vacation, give us a call and let’s do something awesome in Mexico, or wherever you are planning to go.20140331-0002-2

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