New things are happening

David and I are making some BIG changes around here. One of which just arrived in the mail today, they are pretty, shaped like a switch blade but don’t worry not nearly as dangerous. They are green and shiny with our logo on them. They can keep things safe for you for, but you had better keep it safe too. We are proud to enter the 21st century with our shiny, pretty green thing.

So without further ado, New and Fresh from David and Sherry Photography comes…..

Now some of you maybe wondering

What took us so long? I’m not sure..but I’m glad it’s here now.

What if I want my photos on DVD still? GREAT we can still do that for you.

Why switch? Well we have had some problems with DVD’s not burning correctly or not reading on different computers. And with Apple getting so smart lots of computers don’t even have a DVD drive anymore.

Which leads us to our next question. In doing the research for solving our “Proof DVD” problem we looked into a few different options and would like to know from you what you would prefer.

How would you like to receive your Wedding Images? Please take a moment, follow the link and fill out our survey. Click Here

We are always striving to provide the best service and products to our clients so thank you for helping us welcome our addition.  So these will be sent out this year to our wedding clients after their wedding :).  We can’t wait!






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