Tim & Kat – Bowmanville Wedding Photography

Tim & Kat are quite possibly the most entertaining couple we know… Tim especially!  For those of you who know Tim, he instantly makes funny faces and great expressions as soon as you meet him, and Kat starts laughing along with him at all his quirkiness.  (this is evidenced by the second photo of the blog post which I believe was the first photo we shot the entire day!)  I showed Tim that picture right away and told him we were done for the day :D.

The love of Tim and Kat for each other along with their families and friends was beautiful.  When everyone gets together it is an awesome thing, and probably my favorite thing about weddings.  When else do we get all of our friends and family together in one place.  Here there were people travelling from as far as Ireland.

The wedding took place in Bowmanville, Ontario with the photos down by the waterfront and in the back yard of a very kind couple who let us use their property for the afternoon.  I suppose a special thanks goes also to CP Rail for the use of their rail lines :).

Congratulations Tim & Kat on your beautiful wedding.


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