Our best canadian engagement photos of the year
Well it has been an amazing 2011 and thank you so much to all of our amazing clients! Sherry and I love what we do and it is an absolute joy to work with the people we call our clients and friends. I put together a little post of some of our favorite engagement photos from the year. We combed through our 36532 delivered photos for this year and picked out some of our favorites in both engagement and in wedding (post coming soon :D), to summarize and tell a few stories along the way. Great news as well… … … We only had to send two lenses in for repair this year after they were damaged :D… that’s not a true smiley face, that’s more like a smug look which is saying “I’m so clumsy that I drop lenses and cameras just so I can have an excuse to test Nikon’s repair service”. Uh hunh…
Well anyway, I start this post with a shot of some of our best friends, Phil & Analia. Phil was the second groomsman behind my brother at my own wedding many moons ago, and while they live in Quebec City, we just happened by their place to stay over while we were there with Nelson & Jessica on their destination engagement shoot. We went out for dinner, forgot our cameras at their house on our way to dinner (I brought all the lighting, flashes, lenses and even memory cards, but no cameras… they were sitting on the bed)… so Phil and I drove back to pick up the camera bodies while the girls went shopping. They didn’t mind. We then wandered around the old city of Quebec between 10:00PM and 2:00AM while there were few to no tourists around (cause who would be silly enough to be out that late) took some beautiful shots and ended the night on a nice warm dish of poutine! What a day. Here is one of my favorites.
This one was so much fun. We were out at Cobble Beach near Owen Sound with Rich and Heather, and I instructed them to do “big actions” as I was going to be a long ways away from them… right out of the gate they get going with big high fives, chest bumps, dancing and the like. I had a hard time holding the camera straight as I was laughing so hard.
Jeff and Sarah… might I say that Jeff’s new truck looks awesome in this picture.
You may notice this picture is very similar to one in our behind the scenes shoot seen here with Sherry popping up in the back seat.
Nathan & Joy whose wedding is yet to come next year, brought along a few props to the shoot. We encourage people to bring whatever they want that might bring out a bit of their personality. So they opened their trunk when we got to the location at Blue Mountain in Collingwood, and it was FULL of stuff! I think we used pretty much all of it, but this frame shot is sweet.
I love this shot of Nathan serenading Joy.
I was trying to figure out how to best use this building and as I was deep in thought Sherry yells out, “Make sure you get a shot of the whole building vertically!” which I promptly ignored… you see sometimes when your wife says something and it’s profound and should be listened to the very manly response is to totally ignore her and do your own thing :D… So, when we were just about finished Sherry says again “did you get a vertical of the building?” … “no”… Sooooo then she does it herself… and I’m so glad she did because it was an amazing result.
Sherry and I both love landscape photography, so when we have the opportunity to make photos like this one, it’s kinda like having a putt to win the U.S. Open, or having 3rd and 4 to the end zone to win the Superbowl… or so it feels. Then when you get the shot, it’s just jubilation. Yes, I just used the word jubilation… you didn’t read it incorrectly.
I explained to Nelson what I wanted him to do, and being up for anything he did his best. When we were shooting this it looked like his feet didn’t even come to parallel so I dismissed it and thought, “well, we tried, but it didn’t work”. Then when I get home and am looking through the photos I was totally shocked by how high Nelson got his feet! I sent him the picture and he too was excited and surprised to see how athletic he really is :).
I love fall colors
I thought I’d end with this one, with the beautiful Chateau Frontenac behind, such a beautiful place with so much history. I think the thing I found most interesting about Old Quebec City was while reading a book called “40 years in the church of Christ”, chronicling the life of Charles Chiniquy, a french Canadian minister through the mid to late 1800s. A story is told how he was in the midst, and the target of a vicious riot in Quebec City and took refuge in the Chateau Frontenac under the protection of the British army and to go to the same place where you’ve read the story and to see everything still there the way it was is truly majestic. (by the way, I highly recommend that book).
Thank you all for taking the time to enjoy our work and our blog. For all those who comment and let me know who you are Sherry and I are very grateful. For those of you who check back often to see if there are updates, or click the Facebook link when there are new posts, I’m so happy that you come back again and again. Maybe next year you too will comment :D.
God Bless