David & Sherry Photography


OOOOoooooo That LIGHT!!!!!

When you've spent a decade looking for light, slivers of illumination that could make a photo interesting, when you see something that you know will make a stunning shot before you even set it up there is an excitement that takes over, a gitty feeling of (Oh MY THIS IS AWESOME) kind of feeling.

Such was the case one afternoon during wedding photos at Knox College at the University of Toronto where we had photographed many times before, but on this day the way the light was coming in the window made it a no brainer. We placed the bride in her white dress against the dark shadowed part of the wall and placed our groom in his black suit against the brighter wall to contrast him against the light, then gave them a reason to be elegant in their posing and captured this incredible photo. The lines leading in from the neo-gothic architecture brings your eyes down to the couple and her incredibly beautiful wedding dress adds such class to this one.

1/320; f/2.8; ISO 2500; 42.0 mm.