Cold Feet... Legs and Neck!!
Several years ago we had 8 photo sessions in a month at this location, by request of the clients who had seen a recent post we'd published on the Grotto at Cyprus Lake and when we get to a location over and over we always try to see the same place differently. We want to give each client a unique experience and we were scratching our heads on how we could make something different and unique that we hadn't seen shot at this very small location with very few spots to put people. In order to get to this spot requires several hours of driving, then another hour hiking, then we have to scale a cliff to get down into the cave. Once there we have this thing called water to deal with and as was previously noted, water and electronics don't go well together... but they don't go so well with wedding dresses either. Our couple trekked with us and put in significant effort to get into the cave. One time when we were here a week or so earlier we noticed the light shining on the rock in the middle during about a 20 minute period late in the day so we planned this shoot to coordinate at the same time. So we were all in the same place, but what we really needed was for them to get to the center rock which meant they had to wade through 2 feet of water which they weren't super excited about...
However, in order for me to get where I needed to go I strung my cameras up above my head and waded through the edge of the walls until my knees... my waist, my stomach then all the way to my neck were under very very cold water. So I made my way back to a ledge very cold and wet, and once they saw the effort I was putting in they said: "NO PROBLEM... we can get there".
I love how the light shines on the couple in this dark place.
1/3200; f/4.0; ISO 2000; 24.0 mm.