David and I have been working on a new logo design for probably 6 months. We started first by figuring out who we are, which oddly enough, was a tough one. Then we mulled over ideas for studio names, logo designs, and how we wanted the world to perceive us. We decided we wanted our buisness to represent US… both of us and who we are as individuals and as a couple. We also decided we wanted our branding to represent our clients, whom each and every one of we love and each one of them is unique.
So the long awaited reveal of our new wedding photography brand is up today! David and I have created a new logo, a mini logo what I like to call the seal logo, business card and branded damask pattern to share with the world. I know it’s not a big change..the colors are the same..but anyone who knows me knows how I feel about change (It’s scary). But we feel that our slight change in focus and appearance will help bring out what we really want people to see in us, and that is… US! We are what make us unique to anyone else and we’re proud to announce it.
So without further ado:
Our New Logo…TA DAH!!!!
And for the Second act the Business Card:
And the Seal Logo:
And the Damask: Well for that you will have to look on the side of the blog 😀
David and I are super excited about this and would love to hear what you guys think about it.
Welcome to David & Sherry