Love is a wonderful thing. It is something that is hard to describe, impossible to nail down, is always changing, yet when we see it we know exactly what it is. Such was the case with Brett and Amanda’s wedding this spring at their family cottage, the United Church in Owen Sound and at Cobble Beach. Their Georgian Bay Wedding Photos are a show of the beauty that exists on the shores of Ontario’s Great Lakes and the love that can exist between friends, a family and a couple.
Our job as photographers is simply to document. We are onlookers aiming to provide viewers with a feeling of what happened and a history of this small moment of time which in this case was a wedding day. The joining of two families, the feeling of pride from the parents, the beauty of the couple, the memory of all those who came from near and far, and the tradition of marriage which will be looked back on for generations to come. It has always been our joy and excitement to be the ones trusted to document such an important event in people’s lives.
On this particular day the sun shone through a light blue sky, it was warm(ish) for an Ontario spring day :), everything ran smoothly, Brett and Amanda tied the knot, Cobble Beach hosted a beautiful event with fantastic food and the mood was awesome. Enjoy a look through these photos from Brett & Amanda’s wedding.
Amanda is an accomplished pianist, such that while taking these photos I may have lingered longer than needed so that I could hear more of her playing :).
Though the ground wasn’t exactly covered in snow, we were able to get a nice winter photo.
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