Rich & Heather – Halton Museum Wedding
If one were to tell the story of how Heather and Rich got together, they would find a story worthy of romantic Hollywood movie. It would take a man far more romantic than me to tell it… (as I found out trying to write three different versions which didn’t do it justice). Somehow, a beautiful girl from Canada, met a funny, rugby loving man from Wales while they were both in Australia. The match that was made, was one that was to be bound forever.
This was truly an international wedding. Many from across the pond gathered to celebrate their love and they did so in a manner fitting of Rich’s heritage which among many things include an inherent ability to be funny as we found out during the speeches.
Right from the first moment we met these two, we knew it was going to be an awesome wedding for as soon as you meet them they bring a huge smile to your face. We had the privilege of taking some photos for the first time in the blistery cold Ontario winter wearing snow shoes and a big coat trekking through 3 feet of snow which can be seen here. Well it turns out that Rich has inherited the “funny gene” from his family as by the end of the night, everyone was talking about the speeches that kept everyone in stitches.
It was such a privilege for Sherry and me to spend the day with Rich, Heather and their families celebrating their love for one another.
The day started at the Best Western in Milton, where Heather wore a dress by Essence of Australia and a very special piece of jewelry given to her by here mom and dad that they purchased years before in Australia which they presented to her on her wedding day. Rich of course couldn’t leave home without his rugby socks and though he didn’t wear them for the ceremony, I think they were very fitting.
The ceremony took place at the Lowville United Church and wedding reception to follow at the beautiful Halton Region Museum in Milton, Ontario.
Congratulations Heather & Rich!
I believe the only word which comes to mind for those socks is… Stunning
Heather grew up playing in this river and had dreamed of having some of her wedding photos done there. Note the awesome wellies 😀
The Halton Region Museum
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