Andrew & Ashley – Cobble Beach Wedding Part 2
Part two of Andrew and Ashley’s Cobble Beach wedding. Their reception was held under the tent on the terrace of the clubhouse overlooking Georgian Bay and it was a gorgeous reception. We had been scheduled to leave after the dinner portion, but Ashley had been keeping a secret from everyone (we found out about it :D) and we couldn’t help but stay to enjoy the entertainment.
Ashley is a ballerina, and of course has friends who are professional ballerinas. One of her bridesmaids and close friends put on a performance for all of us that was absolutely majestic. Sherry and I were both glad we stayed. Enjoy.
After the ceremony we had gone out to Ainsley Woods for some pictures, where I ended up in the water… oops – no camera damage though… and fortunately no picture to go with it 😀
Then it was off to do some portraits at Cobble Beach, on the western shores of Georgian Bay.
Andrew and Ashley were such a fun couple and with just a few prompting words Andrew was able to get this awesome expression out of Ashley. They were a pleasure to shoot.
The personal touches at this wedding were beautiful. This was a cake that was homemade as a gift for the bride and groom.
The Cobble Beach clubhouse and hotel. Quaint… and luxurious.
As an introduction to this sword dance, when Andrew met Ashley and found out that she used to do the sword dance he was fascinated and had been asking her to do it for many years. She didn’t as she said “there’s no way I’m doing that again” so Ashley organized for some local dancers to come and present the sword dance for Andrew. It was very touching.
If you have ever had the privilege of watching live ballet you can understand how beautiful the movements are.
I told you in the last post that my favorite photo from this wedding was in this post :D… well here it is. We snuck out for a few photos as the sun was going down, set up a few flashes and had some fun. I love the photo above as the lake was glass calm and provided a perfect reflection. The photo below is one of my favorites…
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