John & Sally King – Homestead Wedding
We met John and Sally, residents of Vancouver, B.C. chose to have their homestead wedding and John’s family farm in Chatsworth, Ontario. They are a super fun couple of complete opposites as John is quiet and reserved while Sally is super excited and “english” well… welsh actually but we Canadian’s can’t seem to figure out the difference. Either way they were so much fun to work with and their farm wedding was awesome. Take a look.
Sally really wanted to get into the canoe… even though mom disapproved… so we waited until mom left 😀In lieu of coming rain clouds we got on with wedding really quickly.
Sally was such a trooper with her dress in the field… regardless of the water and dirt she was up for anything.
John’s brother and father restored these tractors to their original beauty.
God even gave us a beautiful sunset to work with.
By the way, this jam was awesome! and homemade!
Congratulations John & Sally